$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ bullish view on Tesla. While the robotaxi still needs more review. Time will come and being the pioneer, Tesla will benefit from it
//@LohYK:wsssswwwsssswwsswsswswwwssssss Tt33g3cvvvedvecceeeevecvcdevrcece33evc2vceccr33ce33v3c3ev33c333333e33eeeeee33cve333e3vve3ec3d3f33v33e333fe3creve3v33v3e33veve3vf3333e3e33fv3ecvv3vce3vec33eeve3f3c3ev33fe3333ev33f33e3f33ece33eedefdveeeev3ee33ee3eve3vce33ceveve3vvecveecevvecvecec2evv2sv EV ef3cff333frfee3e3ee3crcc22cfc3ceccccvevcecvdeeeceecvvececeevceceveeevc3deeev2ceevvv2ceevececc2ceee2vccvcevceccvc3vevevvececceeecceev2ee3eeceeceec2eeceeecccdceedecc2ccccececrdceeeceecc3ecdvvccevd2ecvecececeevvev2eev3v2c2ceecvcceccec3vveeevceef3veceeveeeee3eeeccececeecccfceveceeecec2ec33evevevdecveevcc2eceeeeeve3eeev2eevv2eveveeeeececc233v3ereeccv2vvec2cveev22f2eceevevveccc3c2vc2e22cececceeeeeeeeccvceeev3eeveeeccceeccvcve2eeece2eceevedeeecececvfeee
$CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.(CRWD)$ having reach a high today could signal for a reversal soon. Reaching high rsi and CCI, I caution all to trade with caution.
Google is in a good discount right now. Despite the selldown, the company is still right on track meeting the annual growth and profit. Hold on and light will glow in a while
Looks like the bottom is over. Proceeding up steadily
@Asphen:DBS becoming interesting to watch indeed - Into the support range 30.50 to 29.43 - Watch MA5 for basing (forming of the cup) - Full formation is a bullish action My Watch/Plays - DCA-ing between the range (started) - Watch for MA5 basing - Watch how it moves long the sell channel too Good luck, all! @Deposit @melson @CaptainTiger @TigerStars @LMSunshine $DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$