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$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ new hydrogen, biofuel, and water fuel are going to replace and or partially going to replace battery technology and electric motors.  Brace yourself for another technological revolution.  Existing EVs industry going to be severely impacted.  Elon musk trying to get his 25% share ownership of Tesla so that he will continue to pump AI and robotics into Tesla. Otherwise he is going to abandon Tesla eventually and AI + robots will be another company by itself.  He forsee Tesla is going to be severely impacted by this revolutionary fuel energy. Lucid is even going to be more impacted.  Expect lucid to dip and eventually cease to exist  New energy fuel is way way more efficient and available than ba
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ lucid set to be down to 1 to 2 dollars by year end in 2024 and maybe more.  The simple maths is  1. Lucid is still burning cash like a furnace which can only last till end of 2024. 2. Dilution is evitable as cash will need to be raised. 3. Despite losing so much cash lucid still plan on ambitious expansion with new models in Europ with no guarantee it will sell. (Mostly to in a bid to push down negatively but it won't succeed) 4. Again lucid will fail to meet it's production target again as usual. 5. Fierce competition with other EVs especially from price slashing from major EVs like Tesla and others. 6. Much lower EVs demand on market. 7. Supply chain shortage and competition. 8. Saudi i
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ this stock for now is only set up to be crush... Seems one can't avoid temptation when there's a carrot hanging in front of you ya :D
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ S&P 500 going to rise high and collapse. Overall Economy going to go stagnant even tho AI companies may go sky high. Fuel by wars and conflict I foresee another oil home bringing inflation up high and also possible recession. Big money often downplay and twisting FED decision all in the name of falsely moving market only to crash. That's how big money makes big buck from you guys. Lucid fundamental remain flawed and no way to turn it's fate around.  Lucid stock is highly manipulative by big money and algorithm. Be ready for deep dive down in coning months to year end. May end up like Nikola. Dragging it's feet to the very end.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ if you can't sell and make profit, it's as good as it never existed. Going by the current trend, having production in Saudi, I don't see how they country can have the necessary supply chain even tho they have lots of cash.  It's like spilling billion and billion of cash every quarter every year and spinning narrative but not see light at the end of the tunnel. As I said earlier in those years, lucid has made the wrong strategy in the beginning and now with ever changing circumstances, it's even harder to right the wrong. I know it's such tempting to buy at current price of 2.5 dollars. I believe it will crash even more to half or more in 2024. I just wonder how much Saudi going to pump to hold on lucid whose eventual
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ stock price push up by algorithm. Going to crash like dirt after.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ my past 2 years or so post is to avoid lucid at all cost... But I guess lack of knowledge and experience of macroeconomy and microeconomics as well as how market play out and being greedy caused heavy lost for many people.  Take it as a lesson learned.  Lots of fake experts on this discussion forum and YouTube.  Beware. If you want to invest.. you better understand very well those I mentioned above.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ not going to survive in the foreseeable future stay away.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$  i have said lucid stock going 3 plus by year end.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$   stock is going down 2 to 3 dollars by early 2024. Almost every factors and course of action is going against lucid. At the moment seeing no hope for lucid motor. The have to keep burning cash like furnace to stay alive and borrowing and dilution. There is no light at the end of the tunnel in sight. Feels the very evitable end for this company.
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@moonradiance:$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$   many going to get stuck in the 7ish and 6ish... Stocks going to 4 to 5 by this year end. Market has not factor in many uncertainties other than Fed pausing or raising rates. Plus recession is expected later this year.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$   many going to get stuck in the 7ish and 6ish... Stocks going to 4 to 5 by this year end. Market has not factor in many uncertainties other than Fed pausing or raising rates. Plus recession is expected later this year.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$   your not going to beat the bear as I mentioned they controlled the next support at 6ish dollars. It's super manipulated and beware overall market is going to set 40 percent lower in near future. Liquidity is down and longer higher inflation. Banks going to control lending. Consumer less money to spend and companies suffer. Don't be stuck at the highs like the clowns did from 50 dollars plus. Learn from real investors and not clowns here. Including me ;D
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$   I'm very certain 99% Lucid is just not going to survive and firm on my stand. I leave the 1 percent to an unknown x factor, a miracle perhaps that almost certainty will not come. So long Lucid motors. You just had a bad strategy from the start. My past post explained it all.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$   Stock market is about to be nuke! The false rally is inflated into a bubble which is going to burst and the greed and foolishness I must say is mind blowing. And if the recession turns out to be bad, I'm confident lucid will not survive as it's cash can only last 1st quarter of 2024. Even if it raises capital, it's still like fighting against the evitable. It's core business strategy maybe too late to revamped. It's better to avoid meme stocks like this and invest in strong fundamental companies.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$  lucid is a sitting duck and for the bears to milk. they can't compete in luxury sectors with the lines of Mercedes etc and so on, and can't compete in the much cheaper great EVs on the rise such as Hyundai and so forth. it's stuck in-between and can't even produce the numbers in production. It's cash can only last 1st quarter 2024. In other words, it's pretty much game over as predicted by many experts. Numbers do not lie. Your better off investing at better strong fundamental companies.  And do not hope that lucid is the next Tesla, you be making a very grave mistake.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$   the bears is well aware economy is not going to be doing well. how does it makes money during such times? set false narratives of stocks going to the moon and then sell off the hype again and repeat. Funds institution cash in profits by using their AI algorithm to analyze and trade automatically. Pushing stocks up and down artificially. That is why it's important to know all aspects of macro and micro economy and the how the games of stock market is played and the forces governing them. It's the reality of how things are done and if your unaware you better be aware.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$   Just to remind what I said earlier sell each time market is artificially push up.  It's impossible for stocks to go to the moon. Inflation is going to be sticky and interest rate going to remain higher for least rest of 2023. Tesla price cuts shows signs of unhealthy state. As always the bear is always there to manipulate and hype the market into false bull run and then drop you guys high and dry. Remember the bears have controlled the support. Buy at the ripe time and now is not that time.
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$  US economy is going to slow down in the coming quarter or months. Also the chances of recession has gone up much higher. US going to lose it's influence as a global power as countries includes it's major allies and moving away from Petro Dollar. This current bull run makes no sense in first place. It's all market manipulation.  Best to hold cash and look into gold silver and oil energy and commodities
$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$   probably it's not wrong to say that lucid totally screw up from the beginning. While Tesla aim to produce and make cheap and affordable EVs to the mass and has been way ahead of competitors and laid the ground work ahead,  lucid came several steps slower then Tesla and couldn't take away the market share. Unfortunately the gravest mistake it did was to aims to rely on slightly improved technology and expensive built trying to target the luxury market.  At that time signs of inflation and recession is on the rise, and yet lucid went full on into it's business strategy and worst didn't took consideration of other macroeconomics factors that may affect its strategy. Than came the COVID, the

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