$Yoma Strategic(Z59.SI)$ Based on the technical chart for Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd. (Z59.SI), both the MACD and KDJ indicators are currently suggesting a bullish trend in the short term. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator is showing a positive crossover, which typically indicates potential upward momentum. Similarly, the KDJ (Stochastic Indicator) is also signaling a bullish trend, suggesting that the stock price is likely to rise in the near term. Given this positive outlook, I am considering making a small investment in Yoma Strategic Holdings, in hopes of generating some returns just in time for Chinese New Year celebrations. 𧧠It's always exciting to see potential opportu
Ok//@SG 88:Though I guess best earning in terms of earning growth would probably be Apple since they not only sell products but also subscriptions base services, but the ultimate long term growth momentum I would say goes to Microsoft given that their services render is necessity since most windows users are using their OS. Long term view, Google and Amazon would probably stay ahead of the game plan once economic turnaround experience tailwind gains. [Cool]
@Tiger_Earnings:[Stock Prediction] Guess which stock is a big winner this week ? (AAPL, AMZN, FB, GOOG, MSFT)