• T3M1N4T0RT3M1N4T0R
      Based on existing trend, I think Apple will likely only double in 3 years.

      Could Apple Stock Price Double In 3 Years?

      Apple stock has finally awakened ahead of fiscal second quarter earnings, and some investors may be dreaming bigger. For example, could AAPL price double within the next three years?Apple stockhas finally breached the $130 level, after spending nearly two months below it – and shares still seem to have some fuel to burn. Why not dream bigger, and project where the stock could be in, say, three years?Today, the Apple Maven does some back-of-the-envelope calculations to explain how financial perfo
      Could Apple Stock Price Double In 3 Years?
    • T3M1N4T0RT3M1N4T0R
      I think tesla will still continue to reach newer highs!

      Options Prices Imply A Bearish Outlook For Tesla

      Summary TSLA's valuation is sensitive to assumptions about earnings growth, as well as interest rat
      Options Prices Imply A Bearish Outlook For Tesla
    • T3M1N4T0RT3M1N4T0R

      Grab considering secondary Singapore listing after U.S. SPAC merger - sources

      Grab Holdings, Southeast Asia's ride-hailing to delivery giant, is considering a secondary listing i
      Grab considering secondary Singapore listing after U.S. SPAC merger - sources
    • T3M1N4T0RT3M1N4T0R
      Interesting read!

      China stocks end higher as country's GDP hits record growth

      SHANGHAI, April 16 (Reuters) - China stocks ended higher on Friday, as investors cheered robust GDP
      China stocks end higher as country's GDP hits record growth

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