$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ If you choose to be emotional trader, then ready your bank to be emptied. Bear would happy to devour some opportunists for snack. Cost distribution, just one google away. Your 500 bubble will burst like no tomorrow. If you insist on jumping into my cooking pot, be my guest. Again 390, 270, all are reasonable levels of cooked meat. I am not sure which day though so don't quote me on when the sharks decide to feast.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ Bye bye: first world price, second world quality, third world leadership. BYD hi hi, third world price, second world leadership, first world quality! Big institute trying to manipulate price high up and cash out. Ordinary people aren't buying your crap. Short their shit out and make arrogant man pays his debt.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ has major issue with quality control and customer service. There is one case where in China a tire burst of a neighboring car caused the AI to misidentify the Y model as having a collision, caused serious driving hazard to its owner on the highway. I once walked into a demo unit in Tesla retail shop and the sun binder just hanging off the roof where there is 9-inches wide hole. No one seems to care to amend the poor quality since too many people are overhyped on the "genius"-level of Elon Musk which are targeted brainwash campaigns towards the end-user. As technical person, Elon Musk lacks regonition to his employees on R&D efforts. He also lacks basic research training and expertise, therefore should be kept as a bus