after a lot of expensive learnibg curves for my first year of trading in 2024... yeah we all make the rooky mistakes. I'm looking forward to a successfull 2025 empowered with more knowledge. best advice i can give to newbies for 2025? Reaserch, crunch the numbers, reaserch again, check your maths, and keep your ear on the news. then place your investments, not going to promis youll always get it right. im a bankers daughter who got a little bit of legacy training and i still made a couople of expensive rooky mistakes. beating myself up about them gets me no where but depressed, same goes for you. When you make those mistakes no one coukd have taught you out of making. Understand we all needed to make them to learn its not just you. Reaserch why the mistake happenedand lift your head with p